Short Description

At Jobreadycentre, we provide study materials to make you learn the lessons in the best possible way. You can receive materials for all modes like reading, writing, listening, and speaking for the course, and you can access them throughout your entire life. In addition, the procedure is entirely in English, which will help you learn the language as well for the Canadian market.

You don’t get any certificate or document after the course but get through the test. Our experienced instructors know all the IELTS test parts and provide you with the best training. Our experts offer techniques to face the challenges in the industry. We aim to provide you with complete lessons to pass the IELTS test successfully.

What will you learn?

In short, you can get to learn the following from our IELTS course-

  • Writing essays on any given topic.
  • Understand the different statistical tasks and recognize them and differentiate them as per the requirement.
  • We focus on improving your reading and listening capabilities.
  • Enhance your vocabulary, help you share your opinion with the correct use of words at the right place, and more.
  • We also make you face all the challenges that may come your way during the test to pass the exam successfully.

What are the requirements?

For becoming eligible for this course, you must be able to understand Basic English.

For who is this course for? What are possible career options? Companies that will hire?

People are looking to get prepared for the exam and enhance their skills in the English language. We assure to achieve excellence in all four-course segments to develop your confidence for clearing the IELTS test. The demand for IELTS is increasing every year in several universities and colleges in Canada. Most importantly, it is considered most important for immigration to Canada and getting placed in Canadian companies.

How much will you earn? 

After becoming a certified IELTS professional, you can earn almost a lakh with better learning from our professional experts. Also, depending on the company, you can earn incentives.

Job Ready Centre
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English, Punjabi


1 month

Course Fees

$400 (General), $425 (Academic)