Occupational First Aid Level 1

Short Description

Jobreadycentre offers valuable preparation and sessions for this course for all the interested aspirants looking to make their career in Canada in this particular field. We held chapter-wise quizzes and provided practical problems to solve to gain a better understanding of the subject. Our instructor takes the class both in English and Punjabi for a better experience.

What will you learn?

The first aid training certificate is an introductory level certificate that is useful for any given situation. Organizations that offer basic infrastructure and amenities for the office employees require such staff to handle the section with their skills. This facility is mentioned in the workplace law to make causalities minimum at workplace hazards or mishaps.  You get to know how to handle such critical situations when you go through the course material and attend the complete time of class to pursue the certificate of the course.

What are the requirements?

You don’t need any prior experience in any specific field to be eligible for this course. If you need the certificate immediately for this course, we can issue that on that particular day. But you need to wait for 90 days for the final certificate that Worksafe BC recognizes. So this individual certificate is valid for three years at a stretch.

For who is this course for? What are possible career options? Companies that will hire?

Job aspirants interested in the health and medical sector and are very sympathetic and kind to the injured ones must join this course. People who love to attend sick and distressed and help them in all possible modes will get the opportunity professionally.

You can get career options in all the leading small or medium companies running in Canada, as every company faces occupational injuries or accidents. The employers need professionally trained people to ensure that injured people receive required first-aid and the crises can be controlled.

How much will you earn? 

Professional occupational first-aid providers can earn around $26-$30 in an hour. The job description is very common in Canada, and the average charge is getting higher with time and complexities.

Job Ready Centre
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English, Punjabi


8 hours

Course Fees

$100+ Tax